Bulk Diesel Supply & Distribution

It is important for the operational demands of your business to have a reliable diesel supplier that delivers the correct quanities you need in a timely manner. Street Racer Logistics, we have been ins business since 2019, supplying and distributing bulk diesel to commercial and retail sites throughout Southern Africa.

With our ability to uplift from every major oil company terminal, we deliver directly to our customers a smooth and reliable diesel solution. Our network of strategic distribution points keeps our customers fueled fast and efficiently even during emergencies.

Wholesale Petrol Supply & Distribution

Street Racer Logistics has more than 3 years of experience bringing our clients reliable petrol deliveries.

Our relationships with major oil company allows us to source leading prices, and our large-scale buying power deepens our ability to always provide our customers with a cost-effective petrol supply of leaded and unleaded fuels.

With a wide network of distribution points, we can guarantee you fast and on-time deliveries throughout Southern Africa. You can rest assured that even during emergencies, we’ll provide the petrol you need to keep your operations running.

803 New Carlington Flat
Claim & Caroline Street

Phone: +27 68 010 1833/+27 73 302 1888 – Email: – Website: